
Situation Analysis
Study of the needs of method acting , allocate resources and time action


Confirmation of the proposed revised work plan and objectives


Resource Allocation
Staff and supervisors, technological means , mechanical means or materials to be used


Follow up
Control and monitoring program on the objectives of the work plan.

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The quality of our service in addition to being reflected in our services, which can be seen in the personalized and warm service of our staff. For this reason we work hard in the selection processes and the motivation of our colleagues. In addition, we adapt our structure to address the issues with specialists in each particular sector or case.


Regular monitoring process on the facilities that facilitate the correction work is done according to agreed plans and expected results


We have a liability policy that covers each of the contracted cleaning services.

Uniformed personnel to provide adequate image and compliance with regard to the prevention work to minimize the risk of accidents.

We comply with the Law 15/99, of December 13 Protection of Personal Data


We are respectful of the environment, which is why we use quality products, approved and retain the records for each product that we use…

If you are a property manager or president of neighbor community and is reading us you know the importance of these details. Avoid direct claims due to the subsidiary responsibility of the customer or administrator who can cause them serious consequences to hire cleaning services or other irresponsibly.

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